
Add a Contact

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Adding or Editing a Contact

  1. Take the following steps to add a contact to one of your contact lists:
  2. Click Contacts in the navigation bar, then click Add a contact.
  3. Select the Contact list to which you want to add the contact. Click Next.
    • Enter the contact’s Email address.
    • Select an option from the Email formatlist. If you want the contact to receive HTML emails, select HTML. If you want the contact to receive plain text emails, select Text.
    • Select a Confirmation status. If you want to send a confirmation email to the contact later, select Unconfirmed. Otherwise, select Confirmed.
  4. Enter the contact’s details:
  5. If the contact list to which you are adding this contact has additional custom fields, enter the required information in the Custom field details section of this screen.

Note: If there are date‐based custom fields, you can add a follow‐up reminder to your
Google Calendar. See Creating Google Calendar Follow‐Up Reminders


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